Blog-08 Fod Ef

Blog-08 Fod Ef

Results from Google Translator:

Detect Language: Welsh→English

Source Text: “fod”

Translation: “be” is

Detect Language: Welsh→English

Source Text: “ef”

Translation: “him” he

            Translated from the Welch VSO to Abraham’s ancient Eastern Semitic of SVO, that would render the Beaker People’s name for God as “He Is.”

Why is this important? In Hebrew, beginning with Exodus 3:16, God’s Name is “He-Is.” In the Stonehenge region of England in the 1700s BCE, today’s Welsh wasn’t spoken. However, we know that a close relative if it was spoken. How?

  1. The Beaker people inhabited the area. These were the direct ancestors of today’s Welsh,
  2. Core words, such as “he” and “is” are extremely resistant to change in a language
  3. Yes, we know the Celtic People’s culture, who settled there is 850 BCE, replaced the Breaker People’s culture.
  4. However, it was a peaceful settlement. Therefore, it was likely more a cultural improvement than a population or linguistic replacement. Reinforcing that likelihood was the fact that the Celts that did settle there were welcomed, not conquerors. Therefore, it is likely that the Celts were linguistic cousins.

The end result: the language has likely remained relatively stable, at least in its core components. Therefore, their name for God was “He Is,” the same as the Hebrew name.

“Well and Good,” so far. But, so what? Why is that more than just an accidental coincidence? Why is it important?

Because the Hebrew name for the garment worn by the High Priest was “ephod.” This is exactly same pronunciation (just not spelling) as the Welsh, when put into SVO order: ef-fod. If the priests at Stonehenge wore a garment that contained a tablet replicating the Stonehenge Aubrey holes, then that garment likely took on the name of their God’s name: “He is.” If there was a religious link between Stonehenge and Abraham, that explains why the Jewish High Priest’s robe was called an “Ephod.” It was the same robe – with the same name – the Stonehenge priests wore. That likely implies that Abraham was a Stonehenge priest at some point in his life before God called him to found Judaism.

There was a direct connection between the Stonehenge religion and the founding of the Jewish religion.

The fact that the Stonehenge religion and Judaism were the only two fact-based religions in the ancient world is not a coincidence.